
Since 2016

With PagBitcoin you can pay bank slips with Bitcoin, top up prepaid mobile, landline or pay TV with Bitcoin, send money to bank account exchanging Bitcoin or Altcoin to Reais or Euros and send to accounts in Brazil or Europe, make CPF/CNPJ inquiries to check financial pending, topup transportation card with Bitcoin and you can also buy Gift Card with Bitcoin for NetFlix, Uber, Google PlayStore, Apple Store, PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, LevelUp, Rixty , several Games and much more....

PagBitcoin was made to bring more convenience to your daily life, streamlining the payment of your Bitcoin bills, so you'll have more time to enjoy life.


Your New Currency


Bitcoin is a digital currency, created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. The System works without a central storage or a single administrator, which is defined as a decentralized digital currency. You can use it to shop around the world and exchange it to your local currency every day.

Bitcoin is a world currency that uses a public registry to store transactions that are sent from person to person without a central bank or repository in between. It is not controlled by any government, regulatory body, individual company , or person, then is classified as a true 'decentralized virtual currency'.

Bitcoin is anonymous and works similar to money because you get paid instantly when it is sent. Just like money, once something is paid, it cannot be recovered, there are no refunds or chargebacks and transaction fees are extremely low. Bitcoin is successful because it's a better and safer way to take care of your money. It doesn't require any 'trust' to function, in contrast, it relies on mathematical equations and a very good verification system. complex that can't be manipulated by anyone, so it's always fair.

Pay with Bitcoin

If you don't have Bitcoin, you can pay with Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Binance USD, Tether, Axie Infinity, Solana, Decentraland, Gala, Polygon, Cardano, BitcoinCash or any other Altcoin...
Check the full list of cryptocurrencies we accept

Choose Payment Type

Bank Slip (purchases, credit card bills, internet bills, payment slips, installments, insurance, various payments)

Utilities Payments (water, electricity, landline, mobile, gas, ipva, iptu, dpvat, traffic fines, licensing, city hall fees, federal and municipal taxes)

Choose Country

Do you want to pay Bank Slip from which country?

Choose the Type of Bank Slip:

Enter Barcode and click CALCULATE BAR button

Bank Slip Example (See where to find this information)

Enter Barcode and click CALCULATE BAR button


Document Value:
Increase (Interest/Fine):
Amount to Pay in R$:
Enter image characters:

Make payments using PIX

Enter the Copy and Paste code, QRCode or PIX Key

Choose how to send:

Enter the Copy and Paste code and click on the VALIDATE PIX button

Copy and Paste Code:

Amount to Pay in R$:
Contact E-mail:
Enter image characters:

Exchange Bitcoin or Altcoin to Reais or Euros and send to Bank Account in Brazil or Europe (Checking or Savings Accounts)

Enter Target Bank Account Details

Send to:
Personal or Company Account:
Account Holder:
Agency (number and digit):
Account (number and digit):
Account Type:

Amount to Send in R$:
Enter image characters:

Topup Mobile/Fixed/Prepaid TV (Tim, Claro, Vivo, Oi, Nextel, Embratel, BrasilTelecom, Algar, Sercomtel, Correios, Maga+, Oi TV, Claro TV, Sky TV)

Inform the Topup Type

Topup Type:
Phone Number:
Topup Value:
Amount to Pay in R$:
Enter image characters:

Gift Card (NetFlix, Uber, Google PlayStore, Apple iTunes, eBay, Amazon, PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, Rixty, Level Up, League Of Legends, Aeria Games, Blizzard, Nintendo)

Inform the Country and choose the Gift Card

Gift Card:
Gift Card Value:
Amount to Pay in R$:
Enter image characters:

Transportation Card Topup from Brazil (Bilhete Único São Paulo, Cartão Legal São Paulo, Cartão Bom São Paulo, Nosso Ribeirão Preto, Prati Pelotas, RioCard Rio de Janeiro, Sou Diadema, SalvadorCard, Urbs Curitiba, Via Ouro Nova Lima, TEM Cuiabá, TEU Porto Alegre, Bilhete Único Fortaleza)

Inform the Transportation Card Code/Number

Transportation Card:
Transportation Card Code/Number:
Topup Value:
Amount to Pay in R$:
Enter image characters:

Registration and Credit Check: Pending + National Protests + Restrictions (Personal or Company)

Inform the data of the Person or Company

Type of Check:
Name of Person/Company to be checked:
Check Value in R$:
Enter image characters:


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PagBitcoin - Pagar Boleto com Bitcoin, Envio e Recarga com Bitcoin